.. _installation: =========== First steps =========== * The easiest way to try this package is using a web-based notebook: |binder| |colab| .. |binder| image:: https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/alfredocarella/simplebendingpractice/master?filepath=simple_demo.ipynb .. |colab| image:: https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg :target: https://colab.research.google.com/github/alfredocarella/simplebendingpractice/blob/master/simple_demo.ipynb * You can also download and install the ``beambending`` package, which runs on Python 3. * If you do not have a Python 3 interpreter on your machine, you can install the last version following the instructions in `this tutorial `_. * Once you have Python 3, you can open a terminal and install the package with this one-liner:: python3 -m pip install --user beambending **NOTE**: You may need to replace ``python3`` above by the path to your Python 3 executable, or simply ``python`` if you are running Windows. .. tip:: If you are not 100% familiar with basic one-dimensional elasticity (i.e. shear force and bending moment diagrams), I recommend you to start by going through the section :ref:`background`. This project is completely open source, and the code can be found in this `GitHub repository `_.